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Make It Work Nevada

Make It Work Nevada Statement on the Public Healthcare Option Law

Las Vegas, NV - Senate Bill 420 passed both houses of the Nevada Legislature and was signed into law by Governor Sisolak on June 9, 2021. This bill will require insurance companies that participate in the state’s Medicaid program to provide a middle-tier option on the state’s healthcare exchange. This public option will lower costs and improve access to healthcare for Nevada residents, particularly those in our underserved communities.

Statement from Executive Director at Make It Work Nevada, Erika Washington:

“We are happy to see SB420 be signed into law. It is truly a win for all Nevadans. Make It Work Nevada advocated for this bill because we believe that healthcare is a right and a pathway to economic fairness. Many times lower and middle income families carry a heavier burden to cover healthcare costs, which are then exacerbated in communities of color due to the major health disparities in chronic illnesses. We know that lower costs and increased access will serve to benefit the people who need it the most.”

Our goal is to see Nevada to be a leader in passing laws that serve the interests of the people over the interests of corporations.

Make It Work Nevada is a local non-profit that works to organize Black women and women of color around economic issues such as affordable childcare, paid family leave, paid sick days and pay equity, in addition to racial and reproductive justice.

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